Kurdistan Region’s potato production thrives with high quality and growing demand

Photo: Hama Sur/ Channel8

The exceptional quality of potato production in the Kurdistan Region has garnered both local and international attention due to the increasing demand for this staple crop.

Haji Sarwar, a prominent importer based in the Sulaymaniyah warehouse, emphasized the significance of the region’s potato market, revealing that over 120 tons of potatoes are received daily.

Notably, during this period, restrictions have been imposed on the import of foreign potatoes.

Sarwar highlighted the current market dynamics, noting a surge in potato prices from 300 dinars to 400-450 dinars per kilogram.

He attributed the premium quality of the sold potatoes to regions such as Sharazoor and Akre, whereas Kalar’s potato supply has dwindled in the markets. Traditionally, Iran has met 80% of the domestic demand during other seasons, with its distinct yellow-fleshed variety.

In an interview with Channel8, Hiwa Ali, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Kurdistan Region, shared optimistic projections for this year’s potato production.

Ali stated that the region yielded 600,000 tons of potatoes last year, with expectations surpassing 700,000 tons for the current season. To further bolster the agricultural sector, the ministry has initiated partnerships with seven local industrial facilities to procure potatoes for processing into derivatives like fries and starch.