IHEC await KRI President’s decision as registration deadline approaches

Spokesperson for the Iraqi Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) Jumana Ghalay.

The spokesperson for the Iraqi High Election Commission (IHEC) stated that they are waiting for the Kurdistan president to set the date for the parliamentary elections. 

The Election Commission spokesperson, Jumana al-Ghalai, informed Channel8 that the deadline for candidate registration for the Kurdistan parliamentary elections will close at 2 pm today.

Emphasizing the significance of sticking to the scheduled date of September 5 for the Kurdistan parliamentary elections, al-Ghalai mentioned that any delay could have adverse effects.

The Commission had formally requested the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to finalize the election date.

Despite the Commission’s extended work period of six months, the Kurdistan parliamentary elections must be conducted within this timeframe, according to al-Ghalai.

Currently, 12 parties and two coalitions have registered to compete, with 77 independent candidates already enrolled, a number that continues to rise.

Today, June 24, 2024 marks the deadline for the registration of lists and coalitions for participation in the Kurdistan parliamentary elections, as informed by the Iraqi High Election Commission.