International Coalition downs Iranian drone over Deir Ezzor

The crashed drone.
A crashed drone. Photo: AFP

The International Coalition forces shot down a drone belonging to Iranian militias over Hawijah village in Al-Busayrah city, located in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, late Wednesday night, according to The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights (SOHR). 

 Following the incident, the coalition deployed a military convoy to the area and surrounded the village, while helicopters patrolled the skies to monitor movements.

Earlier on June 22, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that air defenses at the Al-Tanf US base in the 55th-kilometer de-escalation zone intercepted and destroyed a drone attempting to attack the base.

The drone had entered the area from the eastern side, targeting the strategic junction at the borders of Syria, Iraq, and Jordan.