Iraqi army declares military victory over ISIS, fortifies defensive lines

Iraqi soldiers celebrate after liberating Hawija from ISIS. Photo: AFP

The Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Army, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Rashid Yarallah, announced on Tuesday the military defeat of ISIS terrorist gangs.

 He also outlined the regions where these remnants are still located and the commencement of constructing fortified defensive lines to prevent their spread.

“Daesh gangs were militarily defeated after the liberation of all territories they controlled, but ideologically, they remain a terrorist group with a presence in hard-to-reach areas,” Yarallah told the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

He emphasized, “Anyone discussing the capability of ISIS gangs should know they have been decisively defeated militarily. However, remnants still exist, and their members are being relentlessly pursued.

The Military Intelligence Directorate provides daily updates on their locations.” Additionally, he highlighted the role of F-16 aircraft in ongoing operations against these remnants.

Yarallah assured, “There is no danger from these remnants that should concern citizens or suggest a possible resurgence of these gangs.”

 He specified that “the remnants of ISIS operate in areas within the Kirkuk, Salah al-Din, and Diyala triangle. We are actively working to prevent any infiltration or advancement towards civilian or military targets.”

He explained that Iraqi security services have devised plans to eliminate the remnants of ISIS, including constructing robust and fortified defensive lines. These lines are designed to act as barriers preventing access to provinces.

Efforts are underway in areas like Jazerat Ninawa and Jazerat Anbar to deprive ISIS of any exploitable territory while securing the Iraqi-Syrian border.

“The fortifications on the borders are strong, and we aim to establish sectors to guard against any terrorist infiltration from Syria towards Ninawa Province,” Yarallah concluded.