Kurdistan regional elections set for October 20, 2024, KDP makes preparations

Photo: Sartip Othman

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) is actively preparing for the Kurdistan Region’s Parliament election, confirmed for October 20, 2024.

The announcement follows the Kurdistan Region Presidency’s decree issued by President Nechirvan Barzani.

KDP spokesperson Mahmoud Mohammed revealed that the party has been diligently working since 2022 to ensure timely elections. However, he noted that “deliberately imposed obstacles” had hindered the political and legislative environment in Kurdistan.

“Despite our attempts to address these issues through the elected parliament, progress was stalled,” Mohammed explained.

On March 18, 2024, the KDP outlined several challenges, including voter identification problems and the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of voters.

While some concerns persist, Mohammed acknowledged that significant issues have been partially resolved, restoring certain rights for Kurdistan’s constituents.

“Following the election date announcement, our party will begin preparations, aiming for a democratic, fair, and transparent election process,” he added.

Delshad Shahab, spokesperson for the Kurdistan Region Presidency, emphasized the comprehensive assessments and consultations that led to setting the new election date.

He urged regional actors to prioritize Kurdistan’s interests and ensure successful elections, highlighting the presidency’s commitment to protecting community rights and fostering participation.

Preparations include coordination with federal authorities and political parties to create a conducive electoral environment.

The October 20 date provides sufficient time for the electoral commission to prepare and for parties to campaign, Shahab noted.

The Kurdistan Region elections, initially scheduled for June 10, faced multiple delays due to legal and procedural challenges. The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) of Iraq recommended postponing the elections to post-September 5, eventually leading to the newly confirmed date.

The commission’s term ends on January 7, 2025, necessitating 45 days to two months to announce and certify results and resolve appeals, making the October 20 election date strategically important.