UNAMI welcomes new election date for Kurdistan region parliament

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has expressed its support for the recently announced election date for the Kurdistan Region Parliament.

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani declared 20 October 2024 as the new and final date for these crucial elections.

In a statement, UNAMI said it “welcomes the announcement of the KR elections date” and highlighted its commitment to collaborating with the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) and other relevant institutions.

 The mission emphasized that this cooperation is in line with Security Council resolution 2732 (2024), which mandates UNAMI to assist in ensuring the elections are “inclusive, free and fair.”

UNAMI also underscored the importance of full participation from all components of Kurdistan Region society, including women. 

The mission reiterated its “readiness to work with IHEC and all other relevant institutions” to support a transparent and democratic electoral process.

Initially scheduled for June 10, the Kurdistan Region elections faced multiple delays due to legal and procedural challenges.

The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) of Iraq recommended postponing the elections to post-September 5, eventually leading to the newly confirmed date.

The commission’s term ends on January 7, 2025, necessitating 45 days to two months to announce and certify results and resolve appeals, making the October 20 election date strategically important.